Each year, NETS and Yahoo! bring several of the field's most influential minds to discuss the issues they encounter and the discoveries they make. The Speaker Series is an invaluable opportunity to hear first-hand - and rub elbows with - these groundbreaking thinkers and entrepreneurs. Who knows? They could very well be your colleagues (or your competition) someday.
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Archived events
Securing Deployed Cryptographic Systems
Christina Garman, Johns Hopkins University
15:00 101 Levine Hall
New Algorithms for High-Dimensional Data
Ilya Rzenshteny, MIT CSAIL
15:00 101 Levine Hall
Send-off for NETS’ First Graduating Class
Sue Gardner, Special advisor to Wikipedia
15:00 Wu & Chen Auditorium
(title TBA)
Laura Haas, IBM Research / Accelerated Discovery Lab
15:30 Wu & Chen Auditorium
Susan Athey, Stanford Graduate School of business
Susan Athey, Stanford University Graduate School of Business
15:30 Wu & Chen Auditorium
Fairness, Awareness, and Privacy
Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley
15:30 Wu & Chen Auditorium
CIS DLS: Grounded Language Learning
Ray Mooney, University of Texas-Austin
12:00 am Wu and Chen Auditorium, 101 Levine Hall
Composable Mechanisms, Learning, and Price of Anarchy in Auctions
Eva Tardos, Cornell University
15:30 Wu & Chen Auditorium
Warren Center Kickoff: Networks and Algorithms: What Have We Learned from Market Design?
Alvin E. Roth, 2012 Nobel laureate in Economic Sciences; George Gund Professor of Economics and Business Administration Emeritus at Harvard Craig and Susan McCaw Professor of Economics at Stanford University
11:30 am Harrison Auditorium, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 3620 South Street University of Pennsylvania
CIS DLS: Grounded Language Learning
Ray Mooney, University of Texas-Austin
15:00 Wu and Chen Auditorium, 101 Levine Hall
Towards a Predictive Science of Network-Based Biological Systems
Danielle S. Bassett, University of California, Santa Barbara
12:00 am 337 Towne
On Spreading and Detecting Invections
Sanjay Shakkottai, UT-Austin
11:00 am Towne 337
Latent Variable Modeling: Tensor and Graphical Approaches
Anima Anandkumar, Ph.D., EECS Department, University of California, Irvine
2:00 pm Levine 307
To Wait or Get Late: Strategic and Transitory Queueing Systems
Rahul Jain, Ph.D., K.C. Dahlberg Early Career Chair and Assistant Professor, EE & ISE Departments, University of Southern California
11:00 am Towne 337
Resource allocation in decentralized systems with strategic agents: an instance of a market and public goods problem
Ali Kakhbod, U. Michigan
10:00 am
TAO: How Facebook serves the social graph
Dr. Harry Li, Facebook
3:00 pm
Dr. Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi, Columbia Business School
2:00 pm 337 Towne
“Social computing and user generated content: a game-theoretic approach”
Dr. Arpita Ghosh, Yahoo Research
10:00 am 307 Levine
“Spectral analysis, modeling, and control of complex dynamic networks”
Dr. Victor M. Preciado, University of Pennsylvania
10:00 am 307 Levine
“Subspace estimation and tracking when data are missing and corrupted”
Laura Balzano, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
10:00 am 307 Levine
“Distributed optimization over a network”
Dr. Angelia Nedich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10:00 am 337 Towne